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The Go To Leaders Blog

The Hidden Costs of Misunderstanding Transformation Talent

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and the increased pace of change, the need for transformational change is more pressing than ever. Yet,...

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Team Formation and Stacking in Transformation: Breaking Down the Silos

How the granularity of teams’ structures, while helpful in operations, is not helpful in transformation

Hello Change and Transformation...

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Clarity is the Backbone of Success

In the intricate world of change and transformation, clarity emerges not merely as a desirable trait but as an indispensable asset for your...

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The Balancing Act in Creating A Visionary Future

In the fast-paced world of change and transformation leadership, the distinction between rectifying past oversights and crafting a future-forward...

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Redesigning Workload: Addressing the Hidden Causes of Team Fatigue and Burnout

In the bustling corridors of modern organizations, the discourse on workload often circles back to its sheer quantity. Yet, if we delve deeper...

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Relational Intelligence for Transformational Change

Some months back, I worked with a leadership team, and an employee engagement survey revealed a lack of empathy as a pressing issue. Delving...

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Have you ever encountered the concept of "insensitive change"?

While this term may not ring a bell, the underlying principles it represents are all too familiar in the world of transformation & change.


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Exploring Self-Mastery in Transformation: The Meaning of Success

Dear Change and Transformation Leaders,

Today, we delve into a vital aspect of transformation: self-mastery. This concept is integral to all my...

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The 5 Things You Need to Consider for a Successful Start of Your Strategy Execution Efforts

Dear Change and Transformation Leaders,

I'm excited to share some valuable insights I've gathered from recent strategy review exercises with...

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Navigating Transformation: Unlock the Secrets to Effective Change & Transformation

Hello, Change Leaders!

I am thrilled to share my recent podcast episode on the Leading Change podcast, where I had an in-depth conversation...

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Meet John: A Story of Resilience and Reinvention

Today, I want to share an inspiring and heartfelt story of a leader who faced an unexpected career challenge and found a path to resilience and...

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Understanding What Transformation Isnā€™t: Clearing the Confusion

Hello Change and Transformation Leaders,

In the dynamic world of business, the term "transformation" is often used so liberally that its true...

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Career or Ceiling?

In the highly dynamic field of change and transformation, building a successful career demands more than simply coasting along. It's about being ...

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No One is Immune Anymore!

No one is safe from:

  • Being made redundant
  • Being forced out
  • Feeling their performance is not as it once was
  • The looming fear of not knowing...
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Your Strategy Misses the Mark: Hereā€™s Why

In today's fast-paced business world, leaders meticulously plan and execute strategies to navigate their organizations through complex...

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Embracing Change and Mastery: Key Takeaways from My Conversation with Eloise

Recently, I had the privilege of being a guest on Eloise’s podcast, where we explored the journey from being a high performer to navigating...

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The Future of Change Management

Join me in this 90-minutes Masterclass with Paul Gibbons & James Healy on all things "The Future of Change Management"

Dive into the...

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The Heart of Leadership

A few months back, I worked with a leadership team, and an employee engagement survey revealed a pressing issue of a lack of empathy. Delving...

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Change & Culture, for better or worse?

Have you ever encountered the concept of "insensitive change"?

While this term may not ring a bell, its underlying principles are all too familiar...

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Coaching: The Strategic Advantage for Leaders Excelling in Change and Transformation

In the realm of business where change and transformation are constants, the best leaders are not just participants but pioneers in their fields....

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