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CHANGE & Transformation

Where Transformation Finds its Home & Heart

Why this Community

Because Settling for Mediocre Change Is Off the Table

Change and transformation are riddled with underwhelming practices, negative stereotypes, old-school thinking and sobering outcomes. But I'm not here to contribute to the cycle but to break it.

Shifting More Than Just Processes—We're Shifting Mindsets
Today's world demands more than mere adjustments; it requires a seismic shift in how we think and engage and capabilities that lift individuals and organisations to their highest potential.

No Fluff, Just Impact
It's no secret that many change programs complicate rather than simplify, deepen silos rather than unite, and drain resources rather than replenish them.

Built Just for the Changemakers—That Means You
I understand you're not simply 'filling a role.' You're carving out a legacy, shaping the landscape of tomorrow. And you deserve more than to hop between projects, feeling overlooked and undervalued.

Ready for Mastery? This Is Your Launchpad
You're here because you seek mastery, yearn for elevated leadership, and aspire to make a lasting impact. That's precisely why this community is cut out just for you—the visionary, the leader, the agent of change, the specialist.

What Sets This Community Apart?

It's Global, Intimate, and Designed Just for You.

A Truly Global Network

"People of Transformation" stands out in its approach when instigating change. I don't just chatter about change; I'm wholly committed to it. This community brings together change sponsors, leaders, senior practitioners, and consultants from around the globe in an intimate setting where each voice resonates.

Intimacy Over Numbers

The essence of this community lies in fostering meaningful connections between its members. It's about cultivating a hive mind, where the collective wisdom and intelligence of the group are the stars of the show. The focus here is on quality rather than quantity.

Driven by Co-Creation

Forget the outdated model of a single voice dictating what's valuable. Here, you have the opportunity and the voice to request and propose the kind of content that truly serves your journey, all within the community's ethos and objectives.

Diversity Fuels Us

In a world rich with different viewpoints and experiences, this community values diversity not as a buzzword but as a fundamental tenet. Here, varied perspectives enrich discussions, deepen understanding, and contribute to more well-rounded approaches.

It's Ground-Up and It's All About You

You're the centrepiece—the leader, the transformer, the game-changer. This isn't a place for rehashed strategies; it's a playground for co-creating fresh paradigms tailored to your unique aspirations and requirements.

Maggy Thor

Head of Business Design | Digital Transformation and Data - Macquarie Group

Jess has been instrumental in supporting me to build out the Business Architecture practice within my organisation, enabling improved business outcomes and strategy execution. Jess' extensive thought leadership in business architecture and transformation, her ability to cut through 'the noise' and focus on what really matters, coupled with her investment in seeing us succeed has been invaluable.
Jess has and continues to provide me with well rounded coaching to further enhance my leadership abilities.

My Why

Because I've Walked in Your Shoes, and I Don't Want You to Trip Over the Same Stones

The Struggle of the Road Less Travelled
Going against the grain can be an isolating journey marred by burnout, anxiety, and overwhelming pressure. I know this firsthand—because I've been there. From hospitalisation due to burnout to struggling with work-life integration, I've faced the pitfalls of pushing boundaries while losing sight of self-care.

The Silent Drain
It's a never-ending loop: as you sink deeper into the roller coaster of burnout, you lose touch with other important aspects of life—family, leisure, and your own well-being. It's like a rollercoaster that you can't get off, and slowly, you sink into a quicksand of exhaustion and missed opportunities.

The Injustice of Hard Work
Working hard doesn't always yield the rewards you imagine. You become a cog in the wheel—seen as a doer but not a leader. All while watching others who bring about mediocre changes climb the corporate ladder to become your bosses.

My Pledge to You
I've lived through it all. It motivated me to vow that one day, I'd create a space to empower leaders to avoid these pitfalls and to thrive on what actually works.

Your Path, Made Smoother
I want you to make waves without drowning in them. You shouldn't have to compromise your well-being, rely on market whims, or stay stuck in a professional rut. That's why this community exists. It's a fusion of my life's lessons aimed at facilitating your journey, making it more impactful and less perilous.

Eradicate corporate mediocrity through effective, human-centric change and transformation.

End the dreary monotony where everything is 'vanilla' and inspire leaders to bring their authentic, diverse selves to the forefront.

Enable those shaping change behind the scenes to elevate their mastery, influence, and growth—so they can bring about purposeful, lasting impact.

Meet Jess

Your Navigator on the Journey to Transformation Mastery

Hi, I am Jess 👋

With a quarter-century of experience in the global change and transformation space, I've been the strategic force behind the success—and sometimes, the lessons learned through failures—of companies from 15 countries, including heavy-hitters like Google, Boeing, Apple, Emirates, Macquarie, ABN Amro and more.

What makes me tick? A relentless drive to do better. Change is evolving at speed; mediocrity and half-measures can no longer be the norm. I'm committed to elevating the field of change and transformation from a risky endeavour to an act of service—elegant, impactful, and nothing short of sacred.

Why This Matters to You
You're the real star here: the change leaders striving to make a difference. My mission centres on elevating your skills to masterful levels. I'm here to give you the tools to exert more effective influence, co-create lasting impact, and supercharge your value and career trajectory.

A Little More About Me
When I'm not strategising transformative initiatives or mentoring, you'll find me in the kitchen whipping up culinary delights, lost in a blockbuster film, or soaking up the great outdoors. Formerly a professional squash player, I now find my centre through pilates, yoga, and stretching classes (my knees insisted!).

What is People of Transformation About?

In the 'People of Transformation' community, my mission is to elevate your impact as a change leader. To achieve this, we stand firm on three foundational pillars:

Mastery: Excel Beyond Expectation
You know the saying, "Become so good they can't ignore you?" I live by it. Here, you'll find the tools, resources, and insights to master your practice and craft. Say goodbye to costly mistakes, endless guesswork, and sluggish momentum.

Influence: Command Your Space
A title or contract doesn't define your capacity to make a difference. In this community, you'll learn the nuanced art of influence, ensuring your voice is heard and your impact felt, irrespective of your professional standing.

Growth: Amplify Your Value and
Career Velocity
What's the point of being exceptional if your career remains stagnant? I am all about aligning your hard work with tangible growth—whether it's climbing the corporate ladder, starting or growing your open business, playing to your unique strengths, or confidently articulating your unparalleled value.

Think of these three pillars as the legs of a stool: you need all three to maintain balance, stability, and the height from which to leverage your maximum impact.

Core Community Principles?

Our Guiding Tenets for Impactful Transformation

Having been part of multiple educational and professional communities, I've distilled what works and what doesn't into foundational principles. These guiding tenets ensure that you extract the utmost value and meaningful impact from your time here as a member.

Authentic Connection
This community thrives on the genuine, human connections among its members and speakers. We aim to nurture collective intelligence through meaningful interactions beyond the superficial.

Action Over Consumption
This community is not about content consumption and binge-watching the teachings. This is about implementing what you learn and bringing back challenges, wins and reflections to deepen your learnings and make it stick.

Depth and No-Nonsense
Skip the jargon, the theories, and the monotonous presentations. We're all about delving deep, showcasing thought processes, and gaining quicker traction in our respective fields.

Supportive Environment
You're not just another member here; you're part of a supportive network. Feel secure in sharing your insights, asking for guidance, and extending your own expertise. In this community, we've got your back.

The Power of Conversations
There's an immeasurable wealth of wisdom to be discovered in our discussions. These conversations educate and shift perspectives, offering you a window into how others navigate change and transformation.

Respect and Open-Mindedness
In a space of diverse thought, respect for each other's viewpoints is non-negotiable. Come ready to challenge your own ideas and be open to embracing new perspectives.

Doug Paterson

Solution Design Manager in Supply Chain at DHL

Dr. Jess Tayel offers a unique coaching and mentoring program for people who lead, work on, or are looking to step up within the transformation or change space.

I am a strong technical manager and an expert in my field with global & national awards under my belt, but like many people delivering on demanding change or transformation projects, I needed guidance on how best to articulate my strengths and experience in a multitude of ways that makes recruiters, hiring managers and business decision-makers take notice.

In my case, and half way through the coaching program, I have accepted a role in one of my shortlisted top 3 companies, which I probably would not have obtained had I not put the right level of self-effort into Jess’s program.

Your day job doesn’t teach you the necessary skills. Especially so if you are rusty from having worked in one workplace or in one industry for a significant period of time. Jess’s program closed this knowledge gap for me. If you work in or deal with change, transformation, or projects, I would highly recommend Jess.

Michelle Teunis

Global Change & Transformation Leader

Jess is an exceptional coach, whose knowledge goes well beyond surface level. If you are wanting to get to that next level of understanding of what good truely looks like when it comes to transformation and change - and also take your knowledge to that next level, in a way that you can directly apply - then working with Jess is a must. Jess has a brilliant mind, challenges perspectives for the better and I can’t recommend her enough.

Emergence is now part of the Go To Leader program

Who is this Community For? Know if You're in the Right Place

You're a Perfect Fit for The People of Transformation If You:

Prioritise Action Over Consumption: You value implementing knowledge more than merely consuming it.

Engage for Deeper Learning: You're willing to share your insights and questions to enrich collective wisdom.

Crave Practicality: You seek out practical tools and techniques over theoretical fluff.

Build Your Toolkit: You aim to develop a versatile set of skills and know precisely when to deploy them.

Are Impact-Driven: It's all about making a real difference while fast-tracking your growth.

Choose Smart Over Hard: You prefer effectiveness and efficiency over struggle and hardship.

Guard Your Well-Being: You aim to make informed decisions that spare you from costly mistakes and preserve your sanity.
Embrace Community: You see the value in a collective learning journey and are willing to invest in it.

Invest in Your Future: You're focused on long-term personal and professional growth.

Seek Balanced Growth: You aspire to soar without compromising what truly matters to you.

This Community Might Not Be For You If You:

Seek Quick Fixes: You're hunting for overnight success or easy shortcuts.Favour Short-Term Gains: You're not interested in a sustainable, long-term journey.

Prefer Going Solo: Your preferred style is to consume content and work things out on your own.

Are Not Community-Oriented: You don't resonate with the give-and-take nature of a shared learning environment.

Hold Tight to Your Views: You're not open to challenging your thoughts or considering diverse perspectives.

View Investment as Expense: You see the community's value only in terms of its cost, not its long-term benefits.

Stick to Limiting Beliefs: You're not open to challenging your assumptions or expanding your mindset.

Are Content With Status Quo: You're comfortable where you are and don't see the need for further growth or change.

Do you resonate with these? Are you ready to join a community that can amplify your capacity for impactful change? Then you're in the right place.

The Outcomes & Benefits

Transform Your Journey in Tangible Ways

Mastering Change & Transformation

  • Holistic Learning: Comprehensive and practical insights that account for the multifaceted nature of change and transformation.
  • Case-Study Based Toolkit: A rich set of tools drawn from real-world applications for practical utility.
  • Smooth Learning Curve: Learning is segmented into easy-to-digest modules for a seamless experience.

Dive Deep & Get Real

  • Implementation Focus: Prioritize actionable insights over theoretical discussions.
  • Depth Over Breadth: Go beyond surface-level topics to focus on deeper, more meaningful questions and solutions.
  • Real-World Learning: Base your education on practical, real-life case studies and experiences.

Your Community Home

  • Sense of Belonging: The community is designed to feel like home, where you can be your authentic self.
  • Foster Collective Intelligence: Share your experiences, challenges, and victories to contribute to group wisdom.
  • Meaningful Connections: Develop relationships that offer more than just professional utility.

Career Ascendancy

  • Impact & Income: Mastery and influence serve as stepping stones to further your career and financial prospects.
  • Resilience in Change: Navigate career challenges like redundancies with agility.
  • Career Insight: Gain clarity on the career transitions and decisions that align with your goals.

Sustained Growth

  • Know Thyself: Deepen your self-awareness to act with intention and purpose.
  • Play to Your Strengths: Leverage your innate abilities for effective results.
  • Unlock Your Superpowers: Identify your unique skills and how to best deploy them.
  • Well-Being: Develop techniques to manage your energy, avoid burnout, and achieve work-life harmony.
  • Elevate Leadership: Understand your potential and leadership style, including your strengths and weaknesses.

Influencing & Navigating

  • Win People Over: Use coaching techniques to garner support from your team.
  • Develop an X-ray vision: Learn to read both the room and between the lines for effective communication.
  • Political Acumen: Navigate complex organisational politics with ease and effectiveness.

Mindset Revolution

  • Critical Thinking: Develop a mindset as powerful as the tools and tactics you employ.
  • Cognitive Evolution: Allow yourself to evolve in how you think and perceive your environment.
  • Heightened Understanding: Gain a deeper awareness to become more attuned and adaptive to the world around you.

The Promise:

Your Path to Becoming a GTL® (Go-To Leader)

What You Will Become

You will evolve into the Go-To Leader (GTL®) within your organisation, team, or business, setting a gold standard in expertise and leadership.

The Benefits

Be a Catalyst: Become the lighthouse of profound understanding and competence that propels organisations and teams forward.

Get Recognized: Rise through the ranks, making your presence felt, heard, and deeply appreciated.

Elevate Your Status: Earn your peers' and team members' respect and admiration.

Amplify Impact & Income: Expand your influence while enjoying a corresponding boost in value and financial rewards.

What You Won't Encounter

Guesswork: Eliminate the uncertainty that comes with trial and error.

Navigate your responsibilities without feeling swamped.

Maintain a healthy work-life balance to sustain your performance.

Identity Crisis:
Succeed while staying true to yourself, avoiding any need to become someone you're not.

Costly Errors:
Minimize mistakes that can set you back financially and professionally.

Career Stagnation:
Keep progressing instead of getting stuck at one stage.

Dodge the dullness of doing the same tasks repeatedly without meaningful impact.

Internal Conflict:
Never feel forced to agree to things that clash with your personal or professional values.

With these promises, we aim to provide you with a roadmap to leadership that is both impactful and true to your authentic self.

Michael Ayoub

Senior Consultant - Transformation & Governance

Dr Jess Tayel is a brilliant and revolutionary transformation, change and leadership mentor and coach.

She is an outstanding thought leader in the field of Transformation & change, but there is also a key difference that separates her from the rest. Through her Emergence Program, she not only teaches best practice in designing Transformation Programs, as well as working with and thriving in Complex Environments and Cultures. It's her ability to help you to become people centric, working with empathy and high emotional intelligence, to deliver business critical and strategic Transformation & Change Programs that deliver tangible value and outcomes. This is what truly stands out in the Emergence Program and Jess's approach. It is the future of how Transformation should be run.

I would not hesitate at all to recommend her Programs and services to anyone who wants to learn from the best in the field, and to become the best version of themselves.

Emergence is now part of the Go To Leader program

How We Stand Apart

Our Distinctive Approach

A Collaborative Journey, Not a Solo Flight
We offer more than just content. Our content is designed for actionable results and collective growth.

Action Over Abstract
No more theory without practical implications. Here, learning is meant to be lived. If it isn't applied, it isn't truly assimilated.

A Conversation, Not a Monologue
We're not merely lecturing to you. Instead, your insights and questions shape the community and our problem-solving strategies.

Multiple Lenses, Not a Single Viewpoint
We engage guest speakers and industry experts to provide a comprehensive, multi-faceted understanding of change, transformation, and current industry trends.

Member-Centric, Not Platform-Centric
This isn't about us; it's about you. Will tune in to our community members to provide content and facilitate discussions most pertinent to your needs and aspirations.

Adopting this member-focused philosophy aims to enrich not just your skill set but also your journey to becoming an effective and compassionate leader.

Praema Ranga

Engineering Capability Manager at Boeing Defence Australia

Jess helped me to successfully navigate a challenging career transition to a completely new industry. She helped me to embrace my strengths, appreciate the value of my experience, listen to my gut instincts, and challenged me to think about the "why" around my decisions. Jess was instrumental in helping me turn my career around. I would highly recommend her if you can find the opportunity to become her client.

Emergence is now part of the Go To Leader program

What is Included

At the heart of the People of Transformation community is the Go To Leader (GTL®) Program, which is focused on 3Ps:

The Go To Leader (GTL®) Program

The cornerstone of the People of Transformation community is the GTL® Program, built on the three key pillars of Positioning, Practice, and Potential (the 3 Ps):

  • Positioning: Sharpen your personal brand by crystallising your expertise, values, and unique messaging.
  • Practice: Master the art and science of your work, enriching your toolkit and honing your skills to become the best in your field.
  • Potential: Expand your horizons by building confidence and becoming more self-aware and intentional about your career and leadership journey.

GTL ® is a journey, and everyone's journey is different. The journey caters for leaders and consultants coming from different backgrounds and performing different roles

Belinda Anderson

Org Change Leadership, Transformation & Personal Coaching"ge Leadership, Transformation & Personal Coaching" Bolton Project Executive

If growth, challenge and evolution in your practice is where it’s at for you, I would recommend Jess as your next step. As her combination of change, PMO, coaching,
Transformation approach really was an effective balance for me.

Plus Jess is super personable and is able to hold the space of sharing transparently very easily which is needed in the coaching space, as is not being in it for herself but for the person sitting with her.

Emergence is now part of the Go To Leader program

Using the GTL ® Roadmap, you will be able to identify your path to mastery, and I will work with you to clarify your right next step.

BlockBuster BB coaching calls
Deepen your learning and practice what you learn! Bring your challenges, wins, and reflections to the Block Buster calls so that you are left with no doubts, make the necessary tweaks, and elevate your confidence.

Get Stuff Done GSD implementation sessions
Every month, we go deep into implementing one part of the GTL program to explore the mindset and shifts of what creates mastery, on-point influence and accelerates growth.

Private mentoring
You want to share privately and go deep into something you are going through, that’s what private mentoring is for. This is the fastest way to get to the bottom of things faster and better while addressing what would work for you.

SOS calls
If you need urgent help and can’t wait for a mentoring session, a blockbuster call or someone to answer you in the community, then the SOS call is for you. These short and sharp 1 on 1 calls are your way to get an answer quickly.

Events and Masterclasses
Every month, we invite a guest speaker to share their ideas, learnings and experiences with the community. To bring in a more diverse perspective, external views and trends from other industries, complementary disciplines and from around the world.

Charmaine Wan

Change Leader | Business Transformation

Jess's approach is pragmatic and authentic; confronting at times. It is the push I needed to be honest with myself. WIth Jess' help, I am braver; more willing to step out of my comfort zone and believe in myself. Highly recommend Jess to anyone who is ready to step out and make a difference for themselves.


Your Shortcut to Mastery!

Ever wished you could cut through the noise and leapfrog straight to the good stuff? The proven methods? The actionable insights?

Well, the wish is now a reality.

The Transformational Bootcamps are high-impact, laser-focused sessions designed to catapult you from where you are to where you need to be.

What Makes These Bootcamps So Damn Special?
🎯 Hyper-Focused Topics: No more beating around the bush. These Bootcamps target precisely what you need to learn—be it strategic thinking, effective communication, or program design.

📚 Actionable Content: We're not just filling your head with theory. Every Bootcamp session is packed to the brim with actionable content you can implement immediately.

👥 Peer-to-Peer Learning: Learn not just from experts but from peers who are on the same journey as you. Uncover hidden pitfalls and shortcuts that only hands-on experience can teach.

🛠 Real-world Applications: We're talking simulations, case studies, and live problem-solving. This is as real as it gets without actually being on the job.

💡 Q&A: Got questions? Bring them! Our Bootcamps feature Q&A sessions to get your questions answered and leave you with clarity.

📈 Trackable Progress: Watch yourself evolve in real time through our progress tracking. Know exactly where you stand and how far you've come.

Just Imagine...
Walking into the boardroom, fully equipped with the right skills to influence and lead.

Navigating complex challenges without breaking a sweat because you've already tackled them in our Bootcamps.

Being the go-to person for insights and solutions, all thanks to your accelerated learning and mastery.

Jen Dolden


Dr Jess is an amazing story teller, engaging and insightful. Dr Jess pushes boundaries, questions your assumptions and helps you identify the opportunities in your way of working to help you move to new and greater goals. Look forward to working with Dr Jess more in the future

Emergence is now part of the Go To Leader program

Daniel Dojcinovski

Digital Transformation Leader"

Dr Jess is an amazing transformation and executive coach and mentor. Dr Jess has been working with me over the past few years and has been mentoring me through my career aspirations and challenges. Her one on one coaching sessions and perfectly designed to get the most out of what I want to achieve and her style is welcoming and supportive. I have personally made career advancements due to Dr Jess's support.

Janine Ellison

Change Lead - Large Scale Business Transformation

Through Jess's generous sharing of the case study all participants were able to appreciate the complexity of the change and challenging delivery dates, that could not be moved. Her pragmatic and contemporary approach delivered a very strong outcome for all stakeholders and interested audiences.

Let’s look deeper at what is in store for you

The Go To Leader GTL™ Program


Clarifying Business Outcomes

  • The single most essential ingredient for program success is being 100% clear on the business outcome.
  • learn the tools to help clarify the business outcomes to ensure that you are leading your change & transformation on the right path and avoid setbacks and distractions
  • Use the Outcome Clarity Tool™ used by world-class organisations to make your program objectives crystal clear to every stakeholder involved so your program is setup for success 

Set yourself up for Success

  • Discover how to unearth hidden and misaligned expectations about your role so that you can address them head-on.
  • The quickest way to demystify role expectations and accelerate towards creating value quickly and intentionally using the Playfield Builder Tool™.
  • The truth about how unclear expectations can quietly sabotage your program and your career growth trajectory.

Leveraging Organizational Strengths

  • Give your program the best chances of success by tapping into what's already working within the organisation and avoiding the common pitfalls of creating enemies and unnecessary resistance
  • The secret to smart, not hard, delivery that maximises your influence.
  • Develop your X-ray vision to uplift your ability to read the room, the context and the existing dynamics for your benefit using the Site Scanner Tool ™ 

Connect to What Matters

  • How to deeply understand what matters to your stakeholders without awkward conversations.
  • Learn tools like The Connection Radar™ to create more empathetic, meaningful, and impactful conversations
  • Create an inclusive change & transformation program by opening to parts of the business you’ve never seen before.

Create Alignment

  • Demystify what alignment means in every phase of your program
  • Understand what different focus areas and the questions to ask at every level
  • Architect alignment in your program end to end using the Alignment Architecture Tool™

Creating Successful Engagement

  • The easiest way to design stakeholder engagements that turn resistance into collaboration.
  • Learn how to win over your stakeholders and move them closer to the goal using various tools like the Engagement Support System™.
  • What seasoned leaders don’t tell you about how the dynamics of engagement change with every phase of your program and how to change tactics along the way to remain in flow.

Understanding the Bigger Picture

  • The single most crucial ingredient for program success: seeing the bigger picture and treating change & transformation as a multi-disciplinary practice.
  • How to navigate the complexities of a program using the 12-part wheel framework™ and seeing your program as the sum of all parts.
  • The truth about how to leverage your role and in what capacity to connect the dots and create meaning.

Selling the Change

  • Discover how to masterfully design and sell the change so stakeholders buy into your program and become your allies.
  • The sneaky methods to influencing and convincing stakeholders and overcoming “Change resistance”
  • Use the ChangeWave™ method as the quickest way to gain traction for your program and create the change that people will embrace and engage with.

Focusing Your Efforts For Impact

  • Discover how to strategically focus your time and energy to get the most impact for your efforts using the Impactful Work Designer Tool™.
  • The one secret to effectively prioritising tasks at different program stages.
  • What the textbooks don’t tell you about focusing without falling into analysis paralysis or getting distracted. 

Master Your Strengths

  • Discover how to identify and capitalise on your unique strengths so that you become an indispensable asset to your program.
  • The one secret to effortlessly influencing outcomes by aligning your strengths with program needs.
  • How focusing on your strengths, rather than fixing weaknesses, skyrockets your effectiveness.

Banish the Saboteur Within

  • How to identify and conquer self-sabotaging behaviours without losing your authenticity.
  • The sneaky traps of self-doubt and how to sidestep them before they ruin your program.
  • Learn how to manage your Dark Shadows to prevent them from hindering your progress.

The Confidence Catalyst

  • Discover how to consistently build and maintain your confidence to lead with authority and influence.
  • The quickest way to eradicate self-doubt and elevate your confidence in any challenging scenario.
  • The powerful ripple effect of your confidence on your team and the entire program.

Brand Yourself: The Expert

  • Discover how to succinctly communicate your vast experience and expertise so that you're the first choice for leading any transformation.
  • The most critical ingredient for converting your years of experience into a compelling narrative that wins people over.
  • The difference between those who “just do their job” and those who are seen as opportunity creators and future shapers.

Skill Surge: Close the Gap

  • The quickest way to identify and fill any gaps in your qualifications without wasting time on irrelevant courses.
  • What HR and hiring managers don’t tell you about surpassing job qualifications on paper and proving you’re the best fit.
  • How to strategically use your learning to create an edge vs. accumulating knowledge

Unveil Your A-Game Profile

  • Discover how to craft an engaging professional profile that captures attention and opens doors for opportunities.
  • The secret to making your online and offline profiles consistent, compelling, and impossible to ignore.
  • The simple strategy that will elevate your profile above the noise and make you the go-to leader in your industry.

Limited-Time Bonuses to Accelerate Your Transformation Journey

Supporting You In the Community To Accelerate Your Journey

Lock-In Our Early Bird Pricing

Secure your spot now and get grandfathered into our special early bird pricing. Don't miss out on this exclusive offer!

Personalized Onboarding Session

Discover how to maximise your community experience: Schedule a one-on-one session with me to tailor your community engagement. Get clarity on your ideal pathway and content to derive value without being overwhelmed or having a steep learning curve.

VIP Invitation to the People of Transformation Launch Event (in person)

What others don’t tell you about networking: Gain an exclusive invite to the People of Transformation in-person Launch event on the morning of October, 23rd. This is your golden ticket to connect with industry thought leaders and change catalysts. Plus, get signed books from respected leaders as a keepsake!

Complimentary Bootcamp: Powering Transformation for Strategy Execution

The fastest way to initiate your transformation journey: Kickstart your learning with a FREE Bootcamp workshop, "Powering Transformation for Strategy Execution: Your Secret Weapon for a Well-Structured Transformation Program." This in-person event  in Sydney takes place in the afternoon of October 23rd. Can't attend? No worries—you'll receive the event recording and a follow-up online session to address questions or reflections.

Enrol now to take advantage of these members-only value-packed bonuses that will supercharge your transformation journey!

Know where to focus in your personalised Strategy Sessions

Discover how to maximise your community experience: During the first 3 months, I will work with you in our one-on-one sessions to tailor your community engagement.

Get clarity on your ideal pathway and content to derive value without being overwhelmed or having a steep learning curve.

Michael Aizicowitz

Project Executive | Value & Benefits Manager

I took the program to help me step up to the next level in my career - I felt that I had gotten to a ""glass ceiling"" with my technical knowledge and needed to work on other skills to take the next step. The program focused on my mindset with a strong expert understanding of business transformation and it’s areas to bring this more to life for me (unlike other generic career coaches who wouldn’t understand what my job is in detail). This helped me become a better leader, gave me additional tools to work with people, and focus on understanding the political landscape. This focus had immediate impact, in that I focused on how the communication I was about to make would be heard by the recipient and either adjust the communication to achieve the desired outcome, or in some cases pause the communication if it would not be received as intended.

Jess challenged me to rethink some of my views - but you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs!

Highly recommended!

Robert Bolton

Project Executive

Jess is a transformation leader. She understands what it takes and how to bring a people along on a change journey.
Amongst her many skills it's a high level of clarity. This is rare.

Emergence is now part of the Go To Leader program

🔒 Secure Your Spot Now –
Limited-Time Enrollment!

The People of Transformation community is currently open for enrollment, but not for long. We'll be closing our doors soon and won't reopen until sometime next year. Don't miss your chance to become a Founding Member and take part in this intimate, exclusive group of changemakers. Secure your spot today and shape the future, together. 🌟


Inner Circle

Mastermind (Next Level People of Transformation)

Go To Leader GTL ® program ($9,997 Value)

Weekly Live Coaching Block Buster BB Calls ($1,997 Value)

Monthly Events & Masterclasses with Expert Guest Speakers ($997 Value)

Private Community Access (Priceless)

Monthly Get Stuff Done GSD Coaching calls ($2,997 Value)

Bootcamps Access & Participation ($3,997 Value)

(50% to 100% discount)

Private Mentoring Sessions ($5,497 Value)

(4 sessions a year)

SOS Calls (priceless)

(8 calls a year)

Go To Leader GTL ® Program Content Update and Additions ($2,997 Value)

Investment Price





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All prices are in AUD (Australian Dollars)

We have a limited number of scholarship positions available. Contact us at to check your eligibility. For residents of certain countries, we offer a Purchasing Power Parity discount. Email us at the same address to find out if you qualify for a special 60% discount code.

Frequently Asked Questions: Everything You Need to Know

Got questions before you take the plunge into the People of Transformation community?
You're not alone.

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions that we receive. If you don't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to reach out to for personalized assistance.

What type of transformation does the People of Transformation focus on?

Our community covers a wide array of transformations including, but not limited to, digital, cultural, operating model change, new product/service, building new organisation capability, and business process transformations. No matter your industry or scope, you'll find relevant insights here.

What roles would best benefit from the People of Transformation?

The below are guidelines and are not meant to limit your learning journey
In terms of roles: this community covers a variety of roles such as executives, program leaders, consultants, managers, change sponsors, business areas leaders, and practice leads.
Practice and areas of focus: the community focuses on the following spaces: change, transformation, technology, project and program management, culture, operations, continuous improvement, business architecture, business analysis, Program Management Office PMO, portfolio management, portfolio/program governance, and senior Leadership
Seniority levels: The community is focused on those with at least 10 plus years of general work experience and anywhere from 3+ years to 35+ years of experience in relevant practices and focus areas (as mentioned above). The community caters to various seniority levels' different pathways and learning needs.
Industry & best practice: This community is industry and best practice agnostic
Organisations and contract type: members from consulting firms, professional services, Solo consultants and contractors, those who are starting a business or in a business, have a corporate job 

When do I get access to the community?

As soon as you sign up

So if I make my payment now, when is my next billing date?

Your subsequent payment will be billed 30 days from that date for monthly plans, or one year later for annual plans.

Is there any required minimal experience to be able to join?

At least 10 plus years of general work experience and anywhere from 3+ years to 35+ years of experience in relevant practices and focus areas (change, transformation, technology, project and program management, culture, operations, continuous improvement, business architecture, business analysis, Program Management Office PMO, portfolio management, portfolio/program governance, and senior Leadership)

I am busy and not sure I will make the best use of this community.

Our platform is flexible, offering on-demand content and community support to fit into your schedule, not the other way around. The community is available to you 24x7; the more you put into the community, the more benefit you will get. In addition, when you make use of the founding members bonus of the personalised onboarding session, you will become clear about what you need to focus on

I just started my career in change and transformation; would this be the right place for me?

Absolutely, our community is designed to provide foundational knowledge and mentorship that will give your career in change and transformation a significant boost.

How is the community content evolving?

We regularly update our resources and run live events based on member feedback and emerging industry trends, ensuring this community stays relevant.

What is the difference between the different pricing levels? And do I get a discount for paying in full?

Different pricing levels offer varying degrees of access to resources, events, and one-on-one sessions. Yes, there are discounts offered for annual payments.

What guarantees do I have that this will work for me?

Your commitment. We provide all the resources you'll need for transformation success, but your dedication, engagement and level of implementation will determine your results.

Can I suggest topics and content for the community?

Absolutely, we encourage members to suggest topics to ensure we are meeting your specific needs within the context and objective of the People of Transformation community.

What if I cannot make it live in the coaching sessions?

All coaching sessions are recorded and available for replay, allowing you to review them at your convenience and post questions to the community.

Will I have access to Jess in the community?

Yes, Jess is available in the community and constantly engaging with members. Reach out with questions, wins, and reflections. Make use of the private mentioning an SOS calls, which provides more personalized private access to Jess


Can I Join the People of Transformation Community any time I Want?

No, Enrollment to the People of Transformation happens either by invitation or at a set time every year when enrollment is open to the public. This is usually for a limited time in February, June, and October. We do this to focus our energy on nurturing an intimate group of committed members. If you miss the current enrollment window, you can wait until we open the doors again or join by invitation.

How can I guarantee that what I share in the community will remain confidential?

All members adhere to a strict confidentiality agreement to ensure a safe space for open discussions.

What makes the members of People of Transformation, and all the testimonials I've seen, so successful?

Applying knowledge, asking questions, showing up, actively networking within the community, and leveraging our resources leads to member success.

Can my team go through this program with me?

Absolutely, we offer team packages that facilitate collective learning and discussion. Email us at for customised corporate packages.

Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?

The quickest way to unstuck yourself: Our support team is available to help answer any questions or overcome challenges you may face.

Can my company access this in a private setup so the team can speak freely and privately inside the community?

Yes, we offer corporate packages that include private community spaces for confidential discussion. Email us at to learn more

What happens when community members violate the guidelines?

There are very specific situations where members will be removed from the community and offered no refund. This will be in the event of
  ● Violating the members' confidentiality agreement
  ● Attempting to sell products or services in the community
  ● Show any sign of discrimination, lack of respect or harassment to any community member or the support team
  ● Use of the content without proper attribution or unauthorised selling of the content

When are the live sessions scheduled?

Depending on the geographical spread of the community members, live sessions are scheduled at various times and days to accommodate different time zones and work schedules. In addition, all calls are recorded, and replays are shared. The live sessions’ schedule will be available in the community for you to access and RSVP

Is the content updated regularly?

Yes, our community's content is updated frequently based on member feedback and case studies, ensuring you're always equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills.

Do you offer any scholarships or discounts to residents in other countries?

We have a limited number of scholarship positions available. Contact us at to check your eligibility. For residents of certain countries, we offer a Purchasing Power Parity discount. Email us at the same address to find out if you qualify for a special 60% discount code.

Can I cancel my membership if I find this isn't for me?

We offer a no-hassle cancellation policy. You can cancel your membership at any time, no questions asked, if you find that this community is not a good fit for you. Just email us, and we will cancel your membership from your next billing cycle

How do I get the most out of my membership?

Engage regularly in discussions, participate in live events and coaching sessions, ask questions, and make sure to leverage the full range of resources available to you for optimal results.

Are there any geographical restrictions to joining the community?

Our community is accessible worldwide, allowing you to connect with like-minded individuals globally.

How tech-savvy do I need to be to navigate the platform?

You don't need to be a tech wizard to navigate our platform. We've made it user-friendly, and our support team is always ready to assist with any technical difficulties you might experience. The community also offers a mobile app for easy access and having the content available to you on your mobile

Do I have to attend all events and coaching sessions?

Attendance at events and coaching sessions is entirely optional but highly recommended for maximising the benefits of your membership.

Still have Questions?

Contact us at Your transformation success is our priority.

Our No-Risk, No-Hassle Guarantee

We're confident that you'll find immense value in the People of Transformation community. But we also understand that commitments can be intimidating. That's why we've made it incredibly simple for you:

No Lock-In Contracts, No Red Tape: If you ever decide that this community isn't the right fit for you, simply send us an email, and we'll cease your membership beginning the next billing cycle. No questions asked. No hoops to jump through.

Let's Recap!

Why You Can't Afford to Miss Out on 'People of Transformation'

Uplift Your Change & Transformation capabilities: Immerse yourself in the Go To Leader GTL™ program to accelerate your career and maximize your impact—no more feeling stuck or overlooked.

Unlock Real-Time Learning: Benefit from live sessions where you can get immediate feedback, learn best practices, and interact with fellow change catalysts.

Personalized Pathways: Private mentoring sessions tailored just for you, ensuring you're on the right track to making the change you want to see.

Empower Yourself with Exclusive Bonuses: Grab limited-time perks like your personalized onboarding session and a FREE Bootcamp workshop that offer immediate, tangible value.

Make use of the following community benefits

  • Live Coaching Sessions: Regular real-time coaching to tackle current challenges and opportunities.
  • Exclusive Bootcamps: High-value workshops aimed at deepening your understanding of specific transformation topics.
    Community Network:
    Access to a private community of like-minded professionals for collaboration and support.
  • Interactive guest speakers Masterclasses: Expert-led online sessions to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and practices.
  • Confidential & Safe Space: A secure forum to openly discuss sensitive topics and challenges.
  • Access to SOS calls: get your urgent questions answered without having to wait

Zero Risk, All Reward: Rest easy with our no-strings-attached, risk-free guarantee. You're free to leave at any point, with no questions asked.

Vaughn Van Bosch

ICT Program and Transformation Lead

It’s hard to find an expert who is highly empathetic, not afraid to tell you what you may not want hear, and make you see what you can’t see, to open up higher levels of awareness… who is also a great listener, easy to open up to and a highly trusted individual who genuinely cares.

I feel more confident having Jess as my coach & mentor as a guide into my next chapter as a senior executive leader

David Cairns

Transfromation Lead | Program Management | Change Enablement

A key difference in the way that Jess has structured the program is that Jess had experience as a business transformation expert which meant that the sessions could be more tailored and specific for my needs. Through the sessions, We workshopped my unique selling points and then I learned how to better articulate my experience to improve how I position my skills and experience for new roles that are best suited to my background.

Also a key benefit from the program for me was the key principles on how to align my CV and Linked In profile, and how to build awareness and visibility of my profile.
Thank you Jess!

🔒 Secure Your Spot Now –
Limited-Time Enrollment!

The People of Transformation community is currently open for enrollment, but not for long. We'll be closing our doors soon and won't reopen until sometime next year. Don't miss your chance to become a Founding Member and take part in this intimate, exclusive group of changemakers. Secure your spot today and shape the future, together.

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