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Exploring Self-Mastery in Transformation: The Meaning of Success

Jul 11, 2024

Dear Change and Transformation Leaders,

Today, we delve into a vital aspect of transformation: self-mastery. This concept is integral to all my work within the People of Transformation program and my client work. It’s essential to understand that the outer game manifests the inner game. Success and achievements are deeply intertwined with the meaning we assign to them.

What Meaning Do We Give to Success?

Success is a snapshot in time, reflecting the consequences of your actions based on what you knew then. It is the universe's way of telling us that your determination and efforts were fruitful, affirming that you are on the right path. However, success is not static; it is dynamic and not guaranteed.

The same actions in different circumstances might not yield the same results. Success is not black and white. It can come in various forms or shapes different from what you imagined. Seeing success as a way the universe communicates with you helps you become your best version.

Let’s explore further …

The Dilemma of 'Who' Takes Credit

If you achieve success, you create that. If you encounter failure, it's often due to a combination of circumstances, timing, and other factors. I want to challenge that a bit … This way of thinking tends to make outcomes about us rather than seeing them as clues or messages from the universe. These outcomes might be nudges, awakenings, reveals, forced downtimes, tests, affirmations, rewards, punishments, messages, teachings, lessons, wake-up calls, or detours.

In fact, neither success nor failure is your creation. The only thing you created and brought into the world are your actions. The outcomes of your actions are not a direct correlation of your actions … It is not linear nor simple. Attaching yourself to the outcome of your actions rather than the actions makes you a servant of the outcome and surrendering your powers to something you can not control. This can be a major cause of stress, anxiety, depression, negativity, manipulation and many negative and possible self-sabotage behaviors.

Are You Really in Control?

Following from the last point… Are we really in control? I believe we are not. Control is an illusion that keeps us stressed, small, stagnant, or slow and prevents us from seeing far ahead.

In reality, all we can influence is our own actions and try to do the best we can at that time. Outcomes are not a direct correlation to our actions but a result of many factors beyond our control.

What Gets in the Way of Us Continuing, Improving, and Growing?

Several factors can obstruct our growth path:

  • The 'Good Enough' Roadblock: Settling for mediocrity.
  • Following the Majority: For example, If everyone’s score is 55%, then 55% becomes the new 100%, and anything at 55% is seen as outstanding.
  • Forgetting What It's Like to Be a Beginner: Losing the beginner’s mindset.
  • Arrogance and Ego: Thinking that Success is an affirmation of how good you are and that you are better … That gradual loss of humbleness and letting your ego in can slowly but surely prevent learning and growth.

Using Success as a Stepping Stone

Success should be viewed as a way to expand your path, revealing more of your journey. The more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know. This drives you to learn more, be more, and do your best, making you more humble, grounded, and determined to become your better version.

The goal is not the destination. The goal is to stay on the path and continue to go forward.

Detachment and Surrender: Embracing Freedom

When you are detached, you are free. Anything that holds you dictates your life. How many gods (small g) do you have in your life? Being free means breaking free from the shackles of attachment to wanting specific outcomes. Controlling your path to what you think should look like (your version of success) is a form of surrendering your power to the outside world, which is a restrictive and uncomfortable way to live.

This way of living blinds you from seeing the many blessings you have that you likely took for granted and focusing on the things that are not working.

The One Question That Matters Most

There is one question that scares me the most… a question that makes me stop and think deeply.. This question is: Have you done your best?

Your “best” is a moving target, fluctuating based on values, mindset, beliefs, emotions, and norms. It’s a sum of your experiences, expertise, and knowledge. Your best is a living entity that can be nurtured or sabotaged. It has different levels and varies across life’s facets.

As we navigate the complexities of transformation, let's embrace self-mastery as the cornerstone of our journey. By understanding and mastering the inner game, we empower ourselves to lead authentically and inspire change in others.

What is the meaning you give to success? To failure? And your path to success?

Navigating Transformation: Effective Strategy Execution for impactful Change & Transformation

If you haven't already, check out my recent podcast episode on "Navigating Transformation" where I had a conversation with Lauren Ryder about translating strategy into actionable outcomes.

Some common questions I hear from change and transformation leaders and executives:

  • What should you do once handed a strategy document? What initial steps should you take, and what potential blind spots should you consider?
  • As a member of the executive team, how can you elevate your strategy execution to the next level?
  • What is the role of mindset in elevating your change initiatives and creating a healthier, more resilient organization?

This episode is packed with insights that will help you navigate the complexities of change and lead your organization towards successful transformation. Don't miss out on these valuable lessons!

๐Ÿ”— Listen to the full episode here

The "Relevant, Not Redundant" event was a smashing success, with over 50+ attendees joining us both face-to-face and online! ๐ŸŽ‰ Most importantly, everyone got value, and I left fulfilled... My heart is full ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›

I’m thrilled that everyone found it insightful, timely, and thought-provoking.

We dove deep into staying ahead in our careers, navigating the complexities of accelerating career growth, and ensuring we remain indispensable in a rapidly evolving landscape.

The discussions were rich, the networking was vibrant, and the energy was palpable.

Here's a sneak peek of the event in action! ๐Ÿ“ธ

Stay tuned for more events.

๐Ÿ‘‰If you want to get the event replay and some insights on how to future-proof your career and stay relevant... If you are interested in the replay, comment below or Email me the word "Replay" and I will send it across ๐ŸŒŸ

Get in touch with me by emailing me at [email protected]

People of Transformation 2024. All Rights Reserved.