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Redesigning Workload: Addressing the Hidden Causes of Team Fatigue and Burnout

Aug 08, 2024

In the bustling corridors of modern organizations, the discourse on workload often circles back to its sheer quantity. Yet, if we delve deeper into the dynamics of workplace exhaustion, we find that the true culprits often lie beneath the surface.

The amount of work is just the tip of the iceberg. Below the waterline, myriad other factors contribute significantly to workload, team fatigue, and, ultimately, burnout.

Here’s a closer examination of these less obvious yet equally formidable contributors and some critical questions for leaders committed to cultivating a healthier, more sustainable work environment.

The Hidden Causes of Team Fatigue and Burnout

1. The Quality of the Work

High-complexity or low-engagement tasks can dramatically increase cognitive and emotional strain, leading to quicker burnout. This isn't about how much work is done but the nature of the work itself. How are you ensuring that the work assigned is both stimulating and manageable?

2. The Challenge of Selling Ideas

Often overlooked, the effort required to gain buy-in for one’s work from peers and superiors can be exhaustive. Are you facilitating a culture where ideas are welcomed and easily integrated?

3. Decision-Making in the Dark

Operating without sufficient information or context forces team members to make decisions with a blindfold on, heightening anxiety and uncertainty. What measures can you implement to ensure your team has the necessary information?

4. Bridging Mindset Gaps

Divergent thinking within a team is healthy but can become a source of constant friction if not harmonized. How are you encouraging empathetic understanding and alignment of perspectives within your team?

5. The Ad Hoc Work

Unplanned tasks that disrupt the flow of regular duties increase workload and derail focus. Could you set up processes to better anticipate or manage these surprises?

6. Political Overload

Navigating everyday politics often requires significant emotional labour, which can detract from core responsibilities and goals. How can you reduce unnecessary politics and foster a more transparent work environment?

7. Misalignment of Words and Actions

Disconnection between what is said and what is done can create disillusionment and mistrust within teams, increasing emotional workload. In what ways can you ensure your actions consistently reflect your words?

8. Cumbersome Decision-Making Processes

Slow and overly complex decision-making processes can stall progress and demotivate your team. Can you streamline these processes to enhance agility and maintain momentum?

9. The Slow-as-a-Turtle Syndrome

Projects moving too slowly can be as stressful as when everything is rushed. How can you find the right pace to keep everyone motivated but not overwhelmed?

10. Urgency Overload

When everything is labelled urgent, it can lead to priority dilution and burnout. How do you prioritize tasks to ensure that ‘urgent’ means urgent?

The Art of Work Design in shaping strategy execution efforts

Using the above as early as possible in your strategy execution process can help reduce fatigue, stress, and chances of burnout.

Designing the work is often underestimated and sometimes overlooked when moving from ideas to plans in your strategy execution process.

The general assumption by the teams is: “I will get to it when I need to” OR “Will do this one later”

Setting a high-level understanding of HOW you will design your work for each one of your programs is a high risk that usually gets in the way of creating impact

The 3 components are required to be incorporated into your strategy execution process

  • Roadmap: What steps will you take at a high level to achieve your outcome, and what will you define as a success?
  • Approach: How will you go about those steps to implement them
  • Work Design: How will the day-to-day work look like to ensure those steps and how you will approach them are realistic, management, and focused?

The above practice ensures that you tackle the most common derailers of executing programs, which are:

  • Lack of clarity on dependencies
  • Assuming team commitment rather than explicitly securing it
  • Unclear scope definition
  • Unrealistic expectation of effort and resources needed (either too high or too low)
  • You do not get a chance to manage risks but rather swim in a sea of issues that require your urgent attention daily (fire fighting)


The real challenge for leaders is reducing the quantity of work and addressing the qualitative factors contributing to a heavy workload. Reflect on your current leadership practices: What role might you be playing in exacerbating these hidden workload factors, and more importantly, what steps can you take to mitigate them?

Leadership involves guiding the ship and being mindful of the waters it navigates. By addressing these often-overlooked aspects of workload, leaders can significantly reduce team fatigue and prevent burnout, fostering a more productive, engaged, and happy team.

Remember, a team that works well together not only achieves more but sustains its success over the long haul. What steps will you take today to lighten the load and brighten the path for your team?

New Event & Exclusive Invite

πŸš€ Event Alert: Embedding AI as a Strategic Business Capability

As organizations rapidly adopt AI, it's crucial to go beyond treating it as just another add-on. The true value of AI lies in its potential to enhance experiences, support decision-making, and create a genuine competitive advantage.

However, achieving these benefits requires more than technical expertise. It demands an elevated level of change and leadership practice to:

  • Foster the right environment for AI adoption
  • Understand AI's role in the broader business landscape and its success factors
  • Integrate AI with other business capabilities to maximize value
  • Design and deliver AI initiatives that drive transformational change
  • Develop a future-fit roadmap that positions AI as a core business capability

I'm excited to announce that I've partnered with global thought leaders from leading brands and organizations to bring you an exclusive event focused on these critical aspects.

This event marks the beginning of a groundbreaking partnership program launching in October. This program will uniquely combine AI with Change and Transformation practices, offering depth and practicality in AI capability adoption.

If you're interested in exclusive access to this free event, please reach out to me directly with your interest and preferred method of attendance.


πŸ“… Date: Thursday, 29 August 2024

⏰ Time: 5 PM - 8 PM AEST

πŸ’» Venue: Virtual & Face to Face at Sydney CBD

πŸ’ΊJoined by international guest speakers


Hosted By: People of Transformation


βœ… Who is this Event For?

πŸ” Change & Transformation Leaders: Ideal for those looking to enhance their skills in driving transformational change through AI programs.

πŸ—£οΈ Leadership Team Members: Perfect for leaders who are committed to implementing AI effectively to ensure sustainable change and build long-term value.

πŸŽ“ AI Capability Designers and Delivery teams: Essential for professionals in Data, Technology, Architecture, and Program Delivery who want to grasp the broader context of AI and learn how to seamlessly integrate it into the business.

Note: This event is not about using AI to improve your change practice. Instead, it's designed to elevate your change and transformation skills, alongside your understanding of AI, to integrate AI as a strategic business capability.

βŒ›οΈ Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of this transformative event.

⭕️⭕️ Register now by messaging me directly, and we will send you your registration form.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


People of Transformation 2024. All Rights Reserved.