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Transformation is Not a Catch-All Phrase for Fixing Organizational Performance

Oct 17, 2024

Transformation Leadership Series - Article#3

🌱 In recent years, we've seen a surge of organizations launching ambitious transformation programs to improve performance and adapt to an ever-changing business landscape. The excitement of embarking on these journeys often comes with a vision of greener pastures and new possibilities. Yet, this initial enthusiasm can quickly fade, leaving behind frustration as the reality of transformation's complexity begins to set in.

Organizations may find themselves sinking into the "messy middle" of their transformation, questioning whether real change is achievable. Worse still, they may see some results in the short term, but without sustainability, old problems resurface, and the effort feels wasted.

It’s important to understand that transformation is not just a catch-all phrase for fixing or improving organizational performance. It’s deeper, more intentional, and more holistic than simply addressing a list of issues or implementing quick fixes. When transformation is poorly defined or gets diluted into tactical actions, it loses its potential to drive meaningful, lasting change.

So, how do organizations end up in this situation? Let’s explore.

What Can Cause Transformation to Lose Its Way?

In my experience, there are common pitfalls that lead to transformation efforts becoming more of a catch-up game than a true driver of change. Here are some of the key factors that contribute to this breakdown:

1. Transformation Is Born Out of Intense Pressure or Crisis

  • Often, transformation initiatives arise from a sense of urgency—a burning platform that needs addressing. While this urgency can spark the need for change, it can also result in what I call the "business laundry list" syndrome. This is where every departmental issue gets lumped into the transformation portfolio, leading to an overwhelming amount of projects that constantly morph and shift. As the portfolio balloons, it becomes nearly impossible to manage effectively, and the original intent of the transformation gets lost in the noise.

2. Overemphasis on Tactical Solutions

  • When the focus is solely or predominantly on tactical issues, the transformation becomes more about finding immediate solutions rather than being genuinely transformative. The program shifts into a problem-solving mode, which can be important, but without the strategic oversight and depth required for true transformation, it remains on the surface. These transformations are solution-driven rather than vision-driven.

3. Desire for Immediate Results

  • In today’s fast-paced environment, leaders want to see results as quickly as possible. This can force transformation teams into a ‘how fast can we implement?’ mindset rather than spending sufficient time understanding the root causes of the problems. Transformation isn't just about fixing what’s broken—it’s about deeply understanding the why, what, and who behind the change, and ensuring the actions taken align with long-term success.

Symptoms of a Struggling Transformation Program

When a transformation effort becomes more of a patchwork attempt to address immediate issues, there are clear signs that things are not progressing as they should. Here are some symptoms that suggest your transformation is struggling to live up to its potential:

1. Difficulty in Prioritizing Initiatives

  • With so many projects competing for attention, it becomes nearly impossible to prioritize, leading to scattered efforts and lack of focus.

2. Inability to Say No

  • New ideas, initiatives, and demands keep being added, even when they don’t align with the overarching transformation strategy. The inability to say no is a clear indicator that there is no clear transformation North Star.

3. Teams Spread Thin

  • Your transformation team is more focused on supporting various projects and reporting progress rather than enabling or orchestrating true change. They’re too busy managing tasks rather than driving strategic outcomes.

4. Too Much Focus on ‘Doing’

  • The emphasis is on delivering outputs rather than creating space to think deeply about the big picture. As a result, the holistic perspective is lost.

5. Surface-Level Efforts

Key elements of transformation—such as capability building, change adoption, and business agility—either disappear, are pushed aside, or are handled with shallow, surface-level efforts because there’s “no time” to go deeper.


What Can You Do to Turn Things Around?

The steps to course-correct depend largely on two factors: How far along are you in the transformation journey? and How willing are you to pause and reassess? The sunk cost of time, resources, and effort can make it difficult to stop and reevaluate, but often, this is the most critical step you can take to achieve sustainable success.

Here are a few actions to consider:

1. Perform a Transformation Program Health Assessment

  • Bring in an independent expert to conduct a thorough health check of your transformation program. This will help you get an unbiased perspective on where you are, what’s working, and what needs to change.

2. Be Open to Change and Recommendations

  • Be flexible and open to receiving feedback, even if it challenges your current approach. Use the insights gained to create meaningful, high-quality conversations within your team.

3. Anchor Your Efforts to Something Bigger Than Delivery

  • Transformation is about more than just hitting KPIs. It’s about the care you show for your people and customers. Sometimes, it’s necessary to pause, descope, or even change direction if the current trajectory isn’t serving your greater purpose.

4. Refocus on Three Key Foundations of Transformation

  • Outcome Clarity: Define success in a holistic way that considers the organization as a whole, not just a collection of tasks.
  • Change Adoption: Work backward from what successful change adoption looks like and ensure that the entire organization is aligned around this.
  • Customer Promise: Understand your customer’s needs—free of assumptions and biases—and make this the guiding star of your transformation efforts.

Final Thoughts

Transformation is not a quick fix or a catch-all solution to performance problems. It’s a deliberate, holistic, and often challenging process that requires clarity, depth, and alignment at every step. By addressing the root causes of your transformation struggles—whether they stem from lack of clarity, tactical overfocus, or organizational bottlenecks—you can get back on track and create lasting change that serves not only your business but your people and customers.

Are you ready to pause, refocus, and transform in a way that truly matters?

News & Updates

🎉🌟 Excited and filled with gratitude! 🌟🎉

I’m beyond honored to be a finalist for the 2024 Stevie Award for Mentor or Coach of the Year!

This is a significant milestone in my journey, and being recognized globally in such a prestigious industry is truly humbling.

🙏🙏A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey: my amazing peers, mentors, clients, confidants, and most importantly, my family and my husband, Hany, for your unwavering support and belief in me. 💖

I’m looking forward to the award ceremony in New York this November, and I can’t wait to celebrate this achievement with all of you!

Also... People of Transformation is working on something exciting, stay tuned!


Till next week

Jess Tayel

People of Transformation 2024. All Rights Reserved.