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Stuck in the Busy Trap of Transformation, But Not Seeing Real Change?

Oct 10, 2024

Transformation Leadership Series - Episode #2

"Effort without direction is just motion, but focused effort is progress"

In today’s fast-paced business world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by endless tasks, initiatives, and meetings, all in the name of transformation. Yet, despite being busy, many organizations aren’t seeing the results they expect. The frustration grows as the clock ticks, with leaders questioning why their transformation programs aren’t delivering the strategic outcomes on time—even though actions are being taken.

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. Busy does not equal effective, and many transformation efforts fall into the trap of activity over impact. The reality is that change and transformation programs often fail to hit their objectives because the root causes of inefficiency and stagnation remain hidden—or even worse, they’re misdiagnosed.

Why This Matters

The fear of not achieving strategic goals on time is palpable in many organizations. The pressure is high, yet the results aren’t forthcoming. This gap between effort and impact creates frustration, not just among teams but at the leadership level as well. The question then becomes: Why aren’t we seeing the promised results despite all the action being taken?

The root causes can be hard to pinpoint. Often, it feels like the barriers are everywhere and nowhere at once. But in my years of experience working with change and transformation leaders, there are several recurring themes that could be holding you back.

1. Lack of Clarity

🔍 Do you really know what you're aiming for?

Fuzzy Outcomes: Without a clear picture of what success looks like, both leaders and teams can struggle to know what they're working toward.

Unclear Roadmaps: If your path forward isn’t laid out clearly—step by step—people get stuck, confused, or head in different directions.

Undefined Commitments: It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing things will just "come together." But without everyone being clear about their responsibilities, confusion reigns.

Reflection: Are you crystal clear on the outcome you want and what it will take to get there?

2. Too Many Bottlenecks

⛔ Is your progress being slowed by unnecessary hurdles?

Cumbersome Processes: Governance and approval processes that feel more like hoops to jump through than productive checkpoints can grind progress to a halt.

Leadership Logjams: Highly opinionated leaders or frequent disagreements within leadership can lead to stalling decisions and demotivating teams.

Red Tape & Low Trust: If every decision has to go through layers of oversight, or if trust is lacking, your organization may struggle to move forward at speed.

Reflection: Are your processes and decision-making frameworks helping or hindering your team’s progress?

3. Lack of Depth

🌊 Is the work your team is doing meaningful enough to move the needle?

Surface-Level Efforts: Sometimes, action is being taken but lacks the depth required to create significant change. Doing work for work’s sake doesn’t drive impact.

Space for Deep Thinking: Depth comes from carving out space to deeply consider the why, what, who, when, and how of the work at hand.

Playing to Strengths: Are you leveraging the natural strengths of your team and organization, or are you pushing through work without considering if it’s aligned with your core capabilities?

Reflection: Is the work you’re focusing on impactful? Are you giving yourself and your team the space to dive deep and make meaningful decisions?

What’s Really Slowing Down Your Transformation?

Recognizing which of these barriers—lack of clarity, bottlenecks, or lack of depth—is at play is crucial for addressing them effectively. Each of these issues can significantly impact the pace and success of your transformation efforts. Here's how you can start overcoming them:

1. Lack of Clarity: You think you are clear? Think again!

Clarity is the foundation of any successful transformation. If your team isn’t entirely sure of the desired outcome, or if the roadmap to get there is vague, it’s impossible to move efficiently toward the goal. To overcome this, start by clearly defining what success looks like. This isn't just a vague vision, but a holistic and measurable set of objectives that align with your overall strategy. Additionally, ensure that your roadmap is detailed, with clear milestones that everyone understands. Without this clarity, your team will be left feeling uncertain and unfocused, resulting in slower progress and misalignment.

2. Talking the longer route: Simplifying Processes and Empowering Decision-Making

Governance, approvals, and too much oversight can significantly slow down progress. Complex processes designed to minimize risk often create unnecessary delays that frustrate your team and halt momentum. To tackle this, start by identifying where the bottlenecks lie—whether in decision-making, leadership disagreements, or redundant approval processes. Streamline where possible, reducing layers of approval and empowering your team to make quicker decisions. Building trust within your leadership team is also crucial—when leaders are aligned and decisions are made with speed and confidence, transformation efforts accelerate naturally.

3. Lack of Depth: Going Beyond Surface-Level Efforts

The impact of transformation often hinges on the depth of work being done. In many organizations, actions are being taken, but they lack the depth required to create meaningful change. To move past surface-level efforts, you need to create the space and time for deeper thinking. This involves regularly asking tough questions about the strategic value of the work at hand: Does this contribute to our long-term vision? Does it align with our strengths as an organization? Will this move the needle in a measurable way?

Encourage your team to prioritize depth over speed when it comes to decision-making, and always consider how each task ties back to the bigger picture. Transformation efforts with true depth create lasting, impactful change.

Final Thoughts

If your transformation program feels like it’s stuck in a loop of busy work without tangible results, it’s time to reflect. Are you crystal clear on your end goals? Are there hidden bottlenecks slowing things down? And most importantly, are you diving deep enough into the work that truly matters?

Transformation leadership is about much more than activity—it’s about driving real impact by aligning your vision, processes, and team with a common purpose.

By identifying and addressing these root causes, you can turn your busy work into meaningful progress, accelerate your transformation efforts, and achieve the results your strategy promises.

News & Updates

🎉🌟 Excited and filled with gratitude! 🌟🎉

I’m beyond honored to be a finalist for the 2024 Stevie Award for Mentor or Coach of the Year!

This is a significant milestone in my journey, and being recognized globally in such a prestigious industry is truly humbling.

🙏🙏A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been part of this incredible journey: my amazing peers, mentors, clients, confidants, and most importantly, my family and my husband, Hany, for your unwavering support and belief in me. 💖

I’m looking forward to the award ceremony in New York this November, and I can’t wait to celebrate this achievement with all of you!

Also... People of Transformation is working on something exciting, stay tuned!


Till next week

Jess Tayel

People of Transformation 2024. All Rights Reserved.