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The top 10 things to double down on in 2023: Episode 4: Sell Your Expertise

Jan 10, 2023

Are you the world's best-kept secret?

Have you thought about what you can truly bring to the table? Let me give you a hint:.

  • it is not everything you know

  • it is not the abstract technical skill

  • and it won't be showing on your CV

There are great change & transformation

professionals that are the world's best-kept secret.

They know they are good; they feel they have more to offer, but they are invisible and are sitting backstage. They mostly experience one or more of the following:

  • They find it somehow challenging to articulate what it is that they really do

  • They feel stuck between continuing to do great work (because they simply can not slack) and also not wanting to do a lot of work because "they don't deserve it."

  • They usually between 2 modes: do I conform or confront

  • Feel underappreciated and sometimes taken for granted

  • They sit at the back of the meeting rooms

  • Sometimes, they retract and play small

  • Most of the time, they can't be bothered with politics and dynamics

  • They can clearly see some non-sense, unnecessary busyness, the ego and choose to retract

  • They lose opportunities for advancement

  • They hide behind titles

  • They are stuck with a label that the world describes them with (IT project manager, banking business analyst, process improvement program manager… etc...), and it seems it is holding them in a box.

The 4 ways to sell


As a change and transformation leader, it is vital to showcase your expertise and become visible to attract potential clients and advance your career. However, navigating the competitive landscape and avoiding pitfalls that can hold you back can be challenging.

Online Presence

One way to sell your expertise is by building a solid online presence. This can include creating a professional website, maintaining an active social media presence, and contributing to industry blogs and publications. In addition, you can establish yourself as a thought leader and expert by regularly sharing your knowledge and insights.

I adopted LinkedIn when it was first created and used it to build my thought leadership. I have never looked back since. Back in the days when I had a corporate job, the last 10 years of that career, I did not apply for a job. It all came from LinkedIn Referrals.

Same with my business for corporate consulting, speaking, coaching and mentoring

Networking (the good and the bad)

Networking is also crucial for change and transformation leaders. Attend industry events, join professional organisations, and connect with other professionals in your field. You can gain exposure and access to new opportunities by building a solid network.

However, it is also essential to consider that networking is not the only answer. I have spoken to many change & transformation leaders who rely solely on their network for the next move. Networks are limited, they mostly keep you in the same role (even if the title is different), and you have to be careful not to take every advice given.

There is an aspect of the quality of the network you build (and join); some networks are just a replica of what you are now and what you have been doing and won't inspire you to move forward. Some networks are great, dynamic, and diverse. Be very intentional about what works to be in and how many.

Career and projects choice

It is also crucial to carefully consider the projects you take on. Choose clients and projects that align with your values and areas of expertise, and be selective about the work you take on. This will help you build a strong reputation and ensure you can deliver results for your clients. It also guarantees that you have enough diverse and deep experience, which is absolutely in change & transformation.

Brand and evolve your expertise

 Adding more to your tool kit vs. connecting your expertise aspects and creating a superpower

o Many professionals focus solely on adding more technical skill sets and adding more certificates to their arsenal. While this is all well and good, not being able to use these tools and connect them to the other expertise areas to be able to serve the team and your program well is a real issue that many are suffering from (and equally, more are not even aware that this is an issue)

o Change & transformation is about connecting the right dots the right way, and building a solid bridge to the future that is solid, adopted and embraces a business agility mindset.

Knowing your natural strengths and having your experience amplify that

o I have been using the Gallup Strengths assessment to identify the top 10 strengths of my clients

o However, for many individuals and organisations, the interpretation does not [penetrate deep into the individual needs, shaping their career and coaching on some behavioural changes.

o This aspect of your development is critical in your expertise evolution and becoming more niche in your career and work so you can be a sought-after do-to leader

o As part of impacting more leaders and after being asked many times to bring that to the table and offer it as a stand-alone program away from my 1:1 program. I am finally rolling it out. It will be called the "Strengths to Talents" Program, which will help with the above. This will be exclusive to the People of Change community members.

Going deep instead of surface-level knowledge

This is an area that I think many change programs suffer from. Many programs do not go deep enough on what we need to do, why we do it, and how this will move the organisation. It is also a symptom of the unfortunate malpractice of transformation, which is, in some cases, boiled down transformation to a glorified project with zillion tasks and multiple workstreams and hope that the teams are on the same page and have a unified definition of success. Accompanied by the usual pressures of the need to deliver as quickly as possible and prove the return on investment to the board ...

What works for you and your style

o I ask this a lot in my coaching. In many cases, the leader knows what could work best for their career choices and types of programs, yet their actions and intention do not support their needs. Leaving them frustrated and burnt out

o There seems to be a scarcity mindset and sometimes imposter syndrome that can get in the way of being intentional in actions and mindset

Focus on your personal development and how to show up best and see clearly to guide and lead

o Not all development is technical development

o The secret sauce is in your and your character, your views, your ways... Basically your essence

o I remember being around consultants and leaders with a lot of information but I couldn't be around them much or listen to them because of the way they showed up, which really renders tier value to be minimal

o It is important to focus on your leadership, your practice mastery, your brand and niche, bringing your essence into your work, and expanding your perspectives to add value into elevating the transformation &change practice and moving organisations forward (a priceless skill and value to bring to the table)

What can get in the way?

One trap that can keep people stuck is the fear of failure. Of course, it is natural to be afraid of taking on new challenges or stepping outside of your comfort zone, but embracing these opportunities and learning from any mistakes you make is important.

Another trap is the tendency to compare yourself to others. Focusing on your own growth and development is important rather than comparing yourself to others and feeling discouraged.

Also, they do not have the right ecosystem in place. The kind of ecosystem that supports you, inspires you, provide you with the opportunity to expand your perspectives, elevate your leadership, coach and mentor you, allowing you to connect with others and learn more about yourself from how others experience you.

The People Of Change Community

Because of all of the above, I feel strongly about launching the People Of Change (POC) community which is home to the People Of Change. A community that is designed for change & transformation leaders

A community that serves the People of Change & Transformation in 5 ways:

1- Build incontestable Mastery of world-class change & transformation practice

2- Be an effective and Purposeful Leader

3- Show up, be Visible and make a dent

4- Accelerate your Growth and Career

5- Earn your Seat at the table.

This community helps bring together purposeful transformation & change leaders to connect, engage, and grow.

This community, The People Of Change, will be launched early this year and will be a change & transformation game changer.

It would be great to hear your thoughts comments section below. Thank you for giving me your time and reading through. Appreciate you

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