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Achieving the Higher Grounds Factor (HGF™) in Change & Transformation

Apr 16, 2024

The role of a senior transformation leader or executive is paramount in the intricate dance of transformation and strategy execution. It's not just about orchestrating change; it's about elevating your strategy, transformation programs, and change initiatives to unprecedented success.


Reflecting on my previous LinkedIn article on redefining success, I've had the privilege of engaging with numerous transformation executives and chief transformation officers. A recurring theme in our discussions is the formidable challenge of altering organizational narratives and shifting perceptions towards strategy execution efforts.


However, amidst the pressures to deliver, conversations about changing narratives and mindsets often fade into the background. Today, I introduce a concept born from newly appointed senior transformation leaders' emotions, intentions, and excitement toward achieving organizational excellence. This concept is the stepping stone and platform to reach those new heights. I term this The Higher Ground Factor (HGF) (TM)

The Essence of The Higher Ground Factor

The Higher Ground Factor is a collection of mindset shifts, practices, conversations, coaching tools, and tactics to help transformation leaders and executives gain perspectives and forge a clear journey into an elevated practice of transformation that sets them apart and also allows them to level up their game to achieve higher levels of impact in their organization.

At its heart, HGF challenges the status quo, elevates perspectives, and creates mind shifts that break stagnation and the sea of sameness and allow our efforts to shine faster and better.


Why Aim for Higher Ground?

Achieving transformative success necessitates transcending the conventional operational level of your organization. To genuinely deliver on the transformative promise, one must:

  • Envision the Unseen: Elevating your perspective allows for discovering untapped opportunities and unseen pathways to success, encouraging a culture of innovation and forward-thinking.

  • Strategic Connections: By connecting the dots in unconventional ways, you foster creativity and inspire your team to think outside the box, leading to breakthrough strategies and solutions.

  • Potential Realized: Recognizing what’s possible, even when it seems out of reach, instils a sense of ambition and drives your organization to achieve what once seemed impossible.

  • Analyzing the Terrain: Identifying strengths, weaknesses, and the bridges that need building enables targeted efforts that address gaps and effectively leverage assets.

Without this vantage point, one risks getting mired in governance tasks, lacking time for strategic thought, and ultimately experiencing burnout, diminishing the work's excitement and impact.


Key Ingredients for Ascension

The journey to higher grounds is facilitated by:

  • Championing Narrative Change: It's about crafting and disseminating a compelling new story for your organization that resonates with every stakeholder and aligns with future aspirations.

  • Scaling Mindset Shifts: Implementing broad-scale mindset shifts is critical for fostering a culture of agility and adaptability, which is essential in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.

  • Illustrating New Approaches: Demonstrating the tangible benefits and positive outcomes of new strategies and methodologies encourages buy-in and participation across the organization.

  • Deepening Team Connections: Understanding your team's and stakeholders' intrinsic motivations and aspirations creates a cohesive and aligned effort towards common goals.

  • Continuous Reimagining: The ability to continuously reassess, reevaluate, and reset strategies and goals is crucial in maintaining relevance and achieving long-term success.

The Path to Attaining the Higher Ground Factor

  • Strategic Focus: Concentrating efforts on areas with the highest potential for impact rather than those entangled in politics or inefficiencies ensures the best use of resources.

  • Crucial Mindset Shifts: Embracing mindset shifts as fundamental tools empower leaders and teams to overcome barriers and envision new possibilities.

  • Clear Direction Setting: Establishing a clear and compelling direction motivates and guides teams through the transformation journey. Remember, direction is more important than speed.

  • Mastery in Action: Uplift your teams’ capabilities. I am not referring to more technical training but rather the mindset shift coaching and training that gets them to see, be, and do better, more impactful work. This capabilities-uplifting effort reflects what you know to be new heights and how to get there. Your own level of mastery: Investing in upskilling and reaching mastery levels in the world of change and transformation is key in preparing you for C-level and senior executive roles in this space. You would have ideally invested in this before taking up such a role. Unfortunately, most senior transformation leaders are promoted from a background of pure delivery, which means this is their comfort zone. To them, delivery is the most important aspect of the role. Thinking this way, you are missing out on many opportunities and avenues to create impact.

  • Redefining Success: Expanding the definition of success to include both professional achievements and personal fulfilment encourages a more holistic approach to leadership and transformation.

This exploration of the Higher Ground Factor begins a transformative journey. My forthcoming book will offer a comprehensive guide to harnessing HGF for organizational excellence. And Yes, I am writing a book (watch this space)


Empowering Your Journey to the Top

You don't have to wait for the book to start your ascent. I offer tailored support to guide and empower leaders to reach HGF through:

  • 1:1 Coaching: Tailored guidance for leaders seeking to navigate the complexities of transformation.

  • Team Empowerment Workshops: Structured programs designed to build the foundational elements of HGF, including executive team facilitation, training, and strategic advising.

  • Innovative Group Programs: Join a select cohort of leaders in a collaborative exploration of transformative practices.

  • Inspirational Speaking Engagements: Engage your organization or audience with enlightening talks on achieving transformational success.

Let’s pioneer the transformative change that propels our organizations to new heights, championing the Higher Ground Factor with vision, strategy, and unwavering commitment.

Till next week

Jess Tayel

Founder of the People of Transformation membership & community.


Elevate Change & Transformation high-performing leaders to soar above the sea of sameness and achieve new heights in mastery, influence, & impact without the drag of going solo or slow progression.

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